
Negotiation Skills Workshop

A workshop on improving negotiation skills was held in Podgorica on November 30th and December 1st, with Macedonian expert and former politician Nikola Dimitrov as the lecturer.

The two-day training focused on building partners’ capacities (14 partner organization members participated) to strengthen their position and facilitate achieving goals by enhancing negotiation skills at the national and international levels.

The workshop was crafted to foster opportunities for mutual benefit, explore tactical and structural aspects of deal-making, conduct self-assessments to identify strengths and weaknesses, understand the impact of conflicts of interest on negotiations, effectively manage emotions during negotiations, and nurture relationships in negotiation contexts.

Various negotiation methods were covered during the predominantly practical training, where partners, assuming different roles, could apply different negotiation strategies on the spot, especially concerning journalist safety.

The training was particularly beneficial for the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro, which seeks to improve the position of media employees in Montenegro through collective bargaining.

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