The Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (SMCG) invites all journalists and media workers in Montenegro who, for various reasons, have not paid pension insurance contributions for all the years of their work in the media (and in the total period from 1992 to 2022), to contact us, so that we can try to propose an initiative that would solve this problem, which can significantly affect the number of our future pensions.
The following information is needed:
- First and last name;
- The name of the media in which you are currently working or for which you are currently working (if it is a foreign media or if you are a freelancer);
- The type of contract under which you are currently engaged (indefinite or fixed-term employment contract, temporary service contract, contract for temporary and occasional jobs, author’s contract, management contract, or you work as a freelancer for domestic or foreign media);
- The period for which pension insurance contributions were not paid to you (exact dates, months and years);
- The type of contract you had in the period when contributions were not paid to you;
- The reason for not paying contributions (due to the type of contract, because the employer did not pay them and you were not interested, because the employer or the media went bankrupt and there were no funds in the bankruptcy estate to pay contributions, because you worked as a freelancer for a foreign media that does not pay contributions in Montenegro, other reasons);
- Does the media in which you worked during the period when contributions were not paid to you still exist or has it gone bankrupt.
The Trade Union of Media of Montenegro will analyze all the data sent and try to formulate and propose changes to the regulations in order to connect the seniority of journalists and media workers in Montenegro, to the greatest extent possible and depending on the legal possibilities.
Send the requested information to e-mail: [email protected].