With the shutdown of the printed edition of Dnevne novine, which was announced today, about 30 journalists and media workers lost their jobs, which is another confirmation of the poor and precarious position of employees in the Montenegrin media.
At the beginning of December, the owner of Dnevne novine informed the employees that their employment relationship lasts until the end of the month, after which the company goes bankrupt.
Trade Union of Media of Montenegro has repeatedly pointed out that journalists and other media workers work in precarious conditions, that they do not have basic working conditions and that they often work overtime for a salary that is unworthy of their role in society.
This was confirmed by the recent survey on the socio-cconomic situation of media workers in Montenegro, which showed that as many as 38 percent of journalists work for a salary lower than the average in the country. Also, those who answered that they work overtime, in as many as 69 percent of cases, were not paid extra for that work.
Trade union organization is one of the best ways to fight for better working conditions, so we encourage media employees to join us through trade union organizations at the employer level and individually, so that we can work together to create a better media image in Montenegro.
At the same time, we appeal to media owners to seriously analyze the economic justification of this endeavor before entering the media business and not to be guided only by narrow interests, because their decision can negatively affect the lives of people and their families.
Trade Union of Media of Montenegro