Montenegrin journalists work under constant pressure, as evidenced by recent events. As many as four journalists have been exposed to various threats and pressures over the past seven days, solely for doing their job.
The Trade Union of Media of Montenegro strongly condemns all types of pressure on the work of journalists, regardless of whether they come from politicians, public figures or citizens. Our colleagues must be able to do their job freely and without fear.
Journalists Vuk Vujisic and Borko Zdero were recently targeted by citizens for reporting on gravel exploitation on Moraca, while journalist Nikoleta Rakocevic was verbally attacked in Mojkovac, again for media coverage of pre-election activities in the town. Journalist Nenad Zecevic was called to testify in the Higher Prosecutor’s Office for writing about the security sector, which can be experienced as pressure due to disagreement with reporting.
In the course of 2021 so far, as many as 25 attacks, threats and pressure on journalists have been registered, which is an absolute record of the number of incidents and another indicator that media workers in Montenegro work under constant risk of attacks, threats and pressure.
We believe that the announced changes to the Criminal Code in the part of strengthening criminal legal protection are absolutely necessary and we appeal to the competent institutions and deputies to adopt them as soon as possible. In addition, it is necessary to work on a comprehensive risk analysis of the work of journalists with clear countermeasures to reduce and combat it, which will be the focus of the work of the Trade Union, in cooperation with relevant institutions and partners, in the coming period.