Photo: SMCG
Collective bargaining and social dialogue in the media sector will be one of the priorities in the work of the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro in the coming period.
In this regard, workshop was recently organized on the importance of collective bargaining in providing better working conditions for media employees. The training was attended by union leaders from the media sector, as well as journalists and other media employees.
The Deputy Secretary General of the Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro, Ivana Mihajlović, introduced the participants to the basics of social dialogue and collective bargaining. Mihajlovic presented the current situation regarding collective bargaining at the national and media level.
The President of the SMCG, Mariana Camović Veličković, analyzed the current dynamics of collective bargaining in the media and emphasized the importance of re-establishing dialogue with employers at the national level.

Photo: SMCG
International expert Denis Amur spoke about European standards in collective bargaining, with a special emphasis on the media, as well as the trends and challenges that media unions in Europe are currently facing. Amur, through the analysis of the case of Montenegro, spoke about ways to achieve a better negotiating position of media unions.

The result of the training is the adoption of an Action Plan for Collective Bargaining in the media sector, which aims to effectively map the needs of media employees and advocate for their materialization in collective agreements, either national or at the level of employers.