Better working conditions for the Radio Berane
Representatives of the Trade union of Media of Montenegro met today with the management of the Berane municipality to discuss the issues of functioning of Local Public Broadcasting Radio Berane, the settlement of arrears and the current financial situation.
Representatives of the Municipality convey the fact that the planned level of transfers for 2018 for Local Public Broadcasting Radio Berane is about 170.000 euros and that the funds will be regularly settled each month in the amount of one twelfth of the total anticipated amount.
It was noted that these funds provide the salaries of the Local Public Broadcaster to be paid, thus bringing the backlog level to four remaining arrears as of December 2018.
Local government expressed the readiness that in the future period, Radio Berane will be assisted by the Local Public Broadcasting Service in order to improve the technical equipment of the radio. This would improve the quality of the program content, and thus the profitable functioning of the Local Public Broadcasters. The revenues will also be increased.
The possibility of applying for public funds was also discussed on the meeting. This will provide donations from foreign and domestic donors, in order to improve the conditions and technical equipment of the Local Public Broadcasting Radio Berane.