The training on the protection of journalists’ safety, organized by the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (SMCG) and the Program Office of the Council of Europe in Montenegro, was held on June 26 and 27 in Budva.
The training gathered about 15 participants, predominantly members of the Main Board of the SMCG and journalists who will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.
The local expert, lawyer Dalibor Tomović, presented to the participants the legislative framework in the field of protection of journalists. In addition to the case study, Tomović also showed examples of the (in) efficiency of investigations into attacks on journalists and/or the media. Council of Europe consultant Frutula Kusari spoke about the importance of timely response from domestic and international organizations, different types of attacks on journalists, and how to recognize them, but also about the growing number of SLAPP lawsuits (strategic lawsuits aimed at intimidation).
The participants were particularly interested in the specific institutional experience of the victim of the attack, which was presented by journalist Tufik Softić.
This training is the second conducted by the Media Union of Montenegro, in cooperation with the Program Office of the Council of Europe in Montenegro, within the JUFREX 2 program.