The Trade Union of Media of Montenegro held today the 3rd Assembly, where Marijana Camovic was re-elected as President. The Assembly adopted the Report on the Work of the Main Board of the Trade Union of the Media of Montenegro in the previous four years, as well as the reports on the work of the Statutory and Supervisory Board, and elected members of the working bodies that will guide the Union in the next four-year term.
Thus, the Main Board of the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro will, in addition to the President, make:
– Radomir Kračković, president of the Trade union organization of TV Vijesti;
– Milena Bubanja, a member of TU organisation of Radio Berane;
– Jadranka Drobnjak, President of the Trade Union of Employees in RTCG;
– Nevenka Ćirović, member of the Executive Board of the Trade Union of Employees of RTCG;
– Predrag Nikolic, President of the Trade union organisation of Monitor;
– Rešad Kalač, President of the Trade union organisation of RTV Rožaje;
– Dragana Vlaović, member of the Trade union organisation of Radio Radio Herceg Novi;
– Edin Zuković, president of Trade union organisation of RTV Pljevlja;
– Goran Solujić, Member of the Executive Board of the Trade union organisation of RTV Budva;
– Boris Pejovic, member of Trade union organisation of Vijesti;
– Kristina Cetkovic, representative of individual members of SMCG.
Mirjana Tošković (RTCG), Željka Vučinić (ND Vijesti) and Svetlana Marsenić (Radio Berane) were elected as members of the Supervisory Board. The statutory committee will be consisted of Goran Delić (TV Vijesti), Igor Vujović (RTCG) and Zagorka Jelušić (RTV Budva) for the next four years.
Delegates with 29 votes in favor and one abstention, decided to be the head of the Union of Media in the next term, the current president, Marijana Camovic. She, representing the results of the previous work, recalled that almost all the goals that were listed in the work plan for the previous four years have already been achieved.
“The past four years have been very dynamic when it comes to the development of the SMCG and positioning among the employees in the media and the public, we increased our membership for 100%, for the first time, ambitious strategic documents have been developed and adopted that have determined the development and activities of SMCG and the just follow. During the mandate, the functioning of the organization was stable in financial terms”, the Report states.
Camović announced what will be the focus of her work in the next term, with regard to additional coverage of SMCG, strengthening of existing trade union organizations and financial sustainability of the organization.
“A significant step forward is made when the whole organization is concerned. We started to function, with problems that still need to be addressed, as a union that has its goals, a strategy that helps achieve these goals and which records positive results in every sphere it seriously dedicates”, Camovic said.
The Assembly also adopted amendments to the Statute, which should lead to a more comprehensive work of this branch union, but should also increase openness for new members, especially those coming from digital media.
33 of the 36 delegates participated in the work of the Assembly, and a dozen SMCG members attended the Assembly.
The General Secretary of the Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro, Srdja Kekovic, Presidents of branch unions at USSCG, as well as representatives of the Union of Graphic and Publishing Activities – Branko Vujisic and Zeljko Komnenovic were also present at the assembly.
Secretary General of the USSCG Srdja Kekovic said that the next leadership of the Union of Media will face numerous challenges.
“The media union managed to unify all the territories in Montenegro for the first time and all the editorial offices of various profiles coming from this extremely important activity for our society. We, in Montenegro, have a great potential as a union movement, which is reflected in the youth and intelligence of the membership of the Union of Media, “said Keković.
The Assembly was chaired by a working presidency consisting of Predrag Nikolic (Monitor), Svetlana Marsenic (Radio Berane), Nevenka Ćirović (RTCG), and was held in the premises of the EU Info Center in Podgorica.