Every attack on a journalist is an attack on the public interest, democracy and citizens’ rights, is one message of the regional campaign “Recognize and Report” conducted by members of the Safe Journalists network, the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro, the Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia, the Association of BH Journalists, the Association of Journalists of Macedonia and the Association of Journalists of Kosovo.
The goal of the campaign, which was launched on December 10, International Human Rights Day, is to point out the alarming statistics of attacks on journalists and media workers in the region.
Unfortunately, the response of the competent institutions in resolving the older cases was not adequate, so we still do not fully shed light on the murder of Dan editor Dusko Jovanovic, we do not identify and prosecute the perpetrators of the attack on journalist Olivera Lakic, and in many other serious cases in the face of justice.
On the International Human Rights Day, we say that media workers have the right to do their job without fear and pressure, which is crucial for the development of democracy in every society. Journalists must not be the collateral damage of political and other confrontations, but must be provided with optimal working conditions, which imply a safe environment.
The “Recognize and Report” campaign is aimed at all media workers who are the target of pressure and attacks and aims to encourage them to report all incidents, including members of the Safe Journalists network, in order to jointly influence the authorities to respond as effectively as possible.
Reporting attacks is possible by direct contact with the listed organizations, as well as by filling out the online form at the following link: https://safejournalists.net/podgorica/?lang=me
You can watch the video at the following link: https://youtu.be/UpIUzCndzJU