1. Protection and improvement of working rights of employees in the media;
2. Protection and improvement of the economic and social status of employees in the media;
3. Improving the conditions for payment of salaries and other types of earnings (fees);
4. Preparation, negotiation, conclusion and implementation of collective agreements in all areas and action levels;
5. Exercise and improvement of the pension insurance and other forms of security;
6. Provision of legal protection for the members and advocating for the members’ interests in solving collective and individual labor disputes;
7. Participation in making decisions that significantly affect the working conditions and rights and obligations of media employees;
8. Union and professional education of members and their empowerment;
9. Providing various benefits to employees in the media;
10. Protection of professional rights, profession integrity and media workers’ integrity;
11. Protecting the safety of media workers and advocacy for dealing with cases of attack on journalists;
12. Protection and strengthening the media freedom and freedom of speech;
13. Analysis, proposing and participation in the adoption and application of media laws and regulations;
14. Strengthening the impact on the adoption and enforcement of laws and other regulations in the media field;
15. The exercise of solidarity in interpersonal relations;
16. Cooperation with trade union organizations in Montenegro;
17. Cooperation with international trade union organizations and associations of journalists and media workers in other countries.