
SafeJournalists: Vetëvendosje Movement MPs to Stop Dangerous Smear Campaign Against Kosovo Media

Photo: Canva

Following the airing of an article from a Bosnian media outlet “Slobodna Bosna” (English: Free Bosnia) on Kosovo’s Public Broadcaster main news edition, where they accused Kosovo media (Nacionale and Periskopi) of being “controlled by Serbia and Vucic”, MPs and officials of the ruling party Vetëvendosje Movement have initiated an online smear campaign against Kosovo media. This campaign is not only directed towards media and media owners but has also escalated to online smear campaigns and hate speech targeting journalists. This includes influential individuals and citizens who comment on these posts.

The “Slobodna Bosna” article relies on sources and statements from a controversial figure named Boban Bogdanovic, who identifies as a Serbian political dissident. Salih Zyba, Dimal Basha, Dejona Mihali, and Adnan Rrustemi have publicly criticised the media by referencing the “Slobodna Bosna” unprofessional article without enough valid arguments and facts.

Initially, this campaign targeted specific media outlets but later escalated into threats against all media operating in Kosovo. Furthermore, MP Adnan Rrustemi has called on the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate Kosovo media to find out whether Serbia is funding online media platforms in Kosovo. In addition, in an interview unrelated to the topic, Minister of Justice Albulena Haxhiu claimed that she has informed the Prosecution about this situation and expressed her belief in RTK as a credible source of information.

Chair of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo – AJK, Xhemajl Rexha claims that the situation is really serious. “We have been facing on and off accusations from the ruling party Vetevendosje Movement for years now, but the situation is getting worse by day. The MPs from the political party of PM Kurti, are using a piece, with no authors, with sources only and which comes from neighbouring Bosnia to accuse Kosovan media as working for Serbia and Vucic.” In addition he added that “This series of hateful campaign is that dangerous, that we really fear for the safety of our colleagues from both outlets, Nacionale and Periskopi. We will hold Vetevendosje, Kosovo Government and PM Kurti responsible if anything happens to them”

Berat Buzhala, journalist and owner of NACIONALE online portal claims that “During these 24 hours, we have witnessed an organized campaign by the government, the ruling party, and the director of RTK who are attacking two online portals based on a speculative article produced in another country, without any evidence.” Additionally he said “The campaign against NACIONALE is funded by Vucic and puts the lives of every worker in our company at risk. Such a direct attack by the government towards the media has never taken place in these 25 years of freedom.” While Ilir Mirena of Periskopi similarly claims that what differs the recent attack on Periskopi and Nacionale from other attacks is that for the first time the government used the public broadcaster, RTK, to attack other media outlets with unverified news. “The serious allegations published in the article and video by the public broadcaster and disseminated by officials of the ruling party represent a call for public denigration, endangering the physical safety of our journalists. Any future attack that jeopardizes the physical safety of our staff will be considered directly instigated by the ruling party, Vetëvendosje Movement, led by PM Albin Kurti” he added.

The SafeJournalists Network strongly condemns the smear campaign launched by Vetëvendosje Movement, as well as the dissemination of such “news” attacking other media outlets on Kosovo’s Public Broadcaster RTK. We urge PM Kurti to condemn this smear campaign and distance himself from these baseless accusations. Moreover, we encourage the affected media to pursue legal action against those responsible for making such serious accusations, including the primary sources behind them.

The SafeJournalists Network will inform relevant national and international actors about this case.

Every attack on journalists is an attack on the public interest, democracy, and the rights of all citizens.


Prishtina – Skopje – Sarajevo – Zagreb – Belgrade – Podgorica, 24.07.2024


Association of Journalists of Kosovo

Association of Journalists of Macedonia

BH Journalists Association

Croatian Journalists’ Association

Independent Journalists Association of Serbia

Trade Union of Media of Montenegro

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