The International Federation of Journalists and Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (TUMM) is inviting young journalists to design and produce a short video, leaflet, poster, social media post or other creative and innovative tools aimed at convincing younger workers – their peers – why they should join a journalists’ union.
The entry may focus on the general theme of why unions are beneficial for younger workers, to specific issues – pay, contracts, gender equality, training, media freedom, safety or any other media or labour-related issue . The choice is yours!
The entry can be a single product or a short series/portfolio. All entries should be accompanied by a covering letter – maximum 500 words – explaining the inspiration/concept behind the work and why the issue is important to you.
The competition is open to journalists and media workers and journalism and communications students under the age of 35 based in Serbia, North Macedonia and Montenegro.
The entries can be in English or any Balkans language.
The deadline for entries is noon on Wednesday 25 September 2024. You can submit more than one entry.
The winning entry will be used by the IFJ and journalists’ unions in the Western Balkans as part of a future campaign among younger media workers and students.
Entries should be sent to [email protected] and [email protected]
All entries should include your full name, contact details, name of employer/university.
This competition is run by the International Federation of Journalists, in partnership with SINOS (Serbia), SSNM (North Macedonia) and SMCG (Montenegro) and supported by Union to Union (Sweden).